Call for Papers: Journal of Universal Computer Science

Fecha Evento: 
Wed, 02/11/2011

Special issue on service oriented architectures, cloud computing applications, services and interoperability

The Guest Editors for this Special Issue invite papers addressing the theme of service oriented architectures, cloud computing applications, services and interoperability in web information system development for Journal of Universal Computer Science.

Web information systems are in a point where certain technologies and practices have reached a mature level of development and adoption by the industry. These information systems are widespread on institutions with different contexts and scopes, but in a global world these systems have the interoperation needs through standards that define ways to distribute high quality contents or services.

On the other hand, there is an increasing number of new web technologies, tools and kinds of contents, devices and services that thrive outside of the world of institutions. This needs to be combined with new models of distributing, delivering and accessing to services: Open Resources, Open Source Software and Creative Commons Licenses, and even the “freemium” business model that companies like Google, Layers, Prezzi or Twitter have a deep impact in the panorama of Internet services.

This special issue is devoted to the problem of how to integrate service based tools and contents, mobile applications and cloud computing services into the legacy systems. Systems that institutions have been implementing and putting to use with a loss of effort and internal transformation; and that now realize that their systems are limited, closed and far away to the crest of the wave on systems innovation. This is a problem that seems to have a solution in the domain of Service Sciences, both from a technical point of view of SOA’s and interoperability standards, and from a point of view of business models, ways of collaboration and fair licensing strategies.

This call for papers invites original research papers aspects related to service science, services oriented architectures, cloud computing and interoperability related to web information systems. Below is a list of suggested topics of interest.

1. Interoperability

  • Standards and Specifications
  • Reference Implementations
  • Experiences of integration and Cases of Study
  • Authentication and identity handling on service based scenarios
  • Mobile Apps

2. Service based applications and contents

  • Service based content delivery
  • Integration of Cloud Applications and services

3. Quality of Service

  • Quality Standards
  • Service Monitoring

4. Security

  • Security weaknesses on systems interoperability
  • Security best practices on web information systems

5. Legal aspects

  • Licensing
  • Privacy
  • Service agreements

6. Business Models

  • Software as a Service and Contents as a Service.
  • “freemium” business models in institutions.
  • Ethical aspects

Submission Guidelines
Instructions for authors can be accessed via the journal homepage
Manuscripts should be emailed as a Microsoft file to the corresponding Guest Editors.

Timeline & Planning

Deadline for paper submission: 02.November.2011
Feedback from reviewers: 01.February.2012
Revised manuscripts: 01.April.2012
Acceptance notification: 20.April.2012
Camera-ready submissions: 01.June.2012

Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Francisco J. García-Peñalvo
Computer Science Department
University of Salamanca
Salamanca, Spain

Prof. Dr. Marc Allier
Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Faculty of Informatics

Prof. Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras
The American College of Greece, Greece